A Travellerspoint blog

Last full day in Bali

I woke up this morning with a sore throat. I was panicked thinking it might be Covid! I tested negative so I’m relieved. I will test again tomorrow just to be sure. I don’t know what I would do if it was Covid! I leave for home tomorrow afternoon.
Ana Maria took today off from teaching to join me in Kuta for my last couple of days. I’m so glad to have her company right now. She couldn’t get into my Airbnb so booked a place close by. She arrived at my place around 10:00 am and we headed for the beach. It was a 15 minute walk and we did a little shopping along the way. It started to pour rain so we hung out in a few shops along the way. Neither of us had any breakfast so we stopped in a coffee shop and had coffee and a croissant. A little later we stopped for lunch at Jamie Oliver.’s restaurant. It was a lovely place and we enjoyed a salad while we waited for the rain to subside. 20EC0CAA-A87A-45E1-998E-07B3811E6F3A.jpegThe rain eventually stopped around the time we got to the beach. There were big waves and it was windy so we just walked on a paved path along the shoreline. We stopped in a mall but it was just international Brand names so we walked back to my Airbnb. 20A64DAE-890B-4A37-BF45-550E155A7751.jpeg
We called for a taxi to take us to Ana’s hotel. Her hotel was gorgeous! It also was right on the beach! We walked past the huge swimming pool to the bar overlooking the beach. We sat at the bar and had some conversations with the people there who were all from Australia. It was a relaxing happy hour. 0D0B6B84-9CC1-44A4-B09D-B3F743CAEFA3.jpegEventually we headed out to dinner at a seafood restaurant. I ordered lobster and got to pick him out of the tank. They cooked him with garlic butter. It was delicious! 77FD2E5C-18A6-41B6-9B88-B36878544B77.jpeg63EC26C2-C066-4DB8-849B-3D7974502CF0.jpeg
Tomorrow the plan is that I will check out of my place and go to hers. I can leave my bags in her room because she spending one more night there. So we can have breakfast together and maybe swim in the pool and the ocean until I have to leave for the airport. My flight leaves at 4:30 pm. I can hardly believe I will home soon!!

Posted by adventuregirl88 13:40 Archived in Indonesia

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